July 25, 2024

Impossible Cloud Network: First to offer a decentralized, multi-service cloud

The cloud computing landscape has become dominated by a few tech giants, leading to centralized control, inefficiency, high costs, and increased vulnerability to cyberattacks. In response, the Impossible Cloud Network (ICN) introduces a decentralized, multi-service cloud solution, aiming to enhance performance, scalability, security, and cost-effectiveness, positioning itself as a pioneering alternative in the DePIN space.

Impossible Cloud Network
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The cloud computing landscape today has turned into a big tech battleground. A bounded ecosystem, owned and sustained by a cluster of tech giants that hold full control over what we see and do. 

The total centralization of computing systems — coupled with the sheer surge of data proliferation in recent years — has exposed the fragility of current models, primarily their inefficiency, high price tags and susceptibility to cyberattacks. Which has opened the gate for novel cloud solutions to enter the scene. To be precise, the rise of decentralized computing and its potential to reshape the market for good.

As promised in prior articles, we’ll be starting a series on the Impossible Cloud Network (ICN) — a new Web3 initiative that introduces a decentralized approach to cloud infrastructure. 

We’ll cover its features, benefits, what will set ICN apart from other cloud solutions in the market — and why it will spearhead the future of cloud.

Impossible Cloud Network: The First-to-Market Multi Service Protocol

In essence, the ICN protocol is the first to present an all-in-one solution for multiple cloud services. Most decentralized cloud solutions today are equipped to handle one service — be it storage, computing, networking — yet lack the architecture to offer those services all in one place. 

ICN will introduce a groundbreaking architecture designed to be compatible with any cloud service, and enhance interoperability and collaboration within the ecosystem.

An open cloud that meets the global demand of the cloud market has to go beyond just storage. ICN’s founders recognized this need and are creating an ecosystem that will draw together three key players — Service Providers (SPs), Hardware Providers (HPs), and SLA Oracle Nodes (SLA) — to enhance the range of cloud services available.

ICN will facilitate an environment that allows hardware providers to streamline processes, bypass middlemen, and increase profits. While service providers can employ hardware on a timed basis, and have the freedom to focus on developing products and partnerships to target different market segments. 

This two-way set-up will share control, profits and operations among multiple independent parties — which will give way to a decentralized ecosystem that will be able to rival any present centralized cloud provider.

Take Amazon Web Services (AWS), for instance. It is one of the go-to multi-service clouds today since it offers a vast array of cloud computing solutions that cater to various needs and use cases. From computing to storage to networking. The end user tends to prefer this type of multi-service solution for its versatility. 

A common use case in the computing world is combining data storage and GPU-compute functions for a faster and more efficient handling of large datasets. 

AWS offers customers the full service spectrum, resulting in users choosing it as their cloud provider time after time — reflected in their 31%+ market share in the computing market. However, the tides are shifting.

When it comes to cloud services, businesses prioritize factors like performance, scalability, security, — but most importantly pricing.

In centralized cloud structures, providers are fully responsible for infrastructure. They own large centers where they store data, which require significant investment for maintenance & security. This results in high costs that are passed down to the user in the form of hefty data transfer and storage fees.

Furthermore — considering three companies alone hold 65% share of the computing market and impose an unfair take-rate on cloud services costs — users are becoming aware of the potential risks of depending on one single provider.

ICN is set to offer a decentralized, AWS-type alternative to the computing world. Bringing a multi-service platform that is compatible with any cloud service, and where users can access a whole suite of cloud services. This will offer the performance, security and scalability that are known from centralized solutions — all at a cost-effective clip. This is one of the many facets that will set ICN apart.

Proof Of Concept For ICN

Impossible Cloud Network (ICN) will furthermore be a platform where Service Providers can offer Cloud Services, like object storage, to many customers worldwide. Impossible Cloud, the original Service Provider on the Impossible Cloud Network, started to successfully provide decentralized cloud storage solutions that are secure, efficient and accessible. 

Impossible Cloud has successfully developed a fully functional and robust enterprise-grade object storage service as the foundation of the Network’s ecosystem. Supported by several hardware providers, this service caters to numerous business customers who collectively upload up to 50 million files daily. 

Founded by entrepreneurs who previously generated over a billion dollars in total revenue followed by a successful IPO, Impossible Cloud Network has achieved what many web3 projects find challenging: creating a successful enterprise-grade cloud service. This accomplishment positions the project as a leader in the DePIN space, offering a highly usable and reliable enterprise-grade product. With a growing network of hardware providers meeting real-world demand, the launch of the Impossible Cloud Network (ICN) will now expand the suite of decentralized services available and be the first to offer a decentralized, multi-service cloud.

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Impossible Cloud Network

Let’s decentralize the cloud.

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